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Motivational Techniques Free Essays
Motivationals methods in Switzerland MOTIVATIONAL METHODS THAT ARE MOST EFFECTIVE IN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Robert Gordon University – Business and Hotel Management School BA Hotel and Hospitality Management Course BS 3149 Research Methods for Business Students Module coordinator: Ms Heather Robinson Submission date: 9th April 2013 Student ID No. : 1219453 Word Count: 2008 1. TOPIC: Motivational methods that are most effective in hospitality employee motivation 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivational Techniques or any similar topic only for you Order Now QUESTION: What are the most successful methods to motivate restaurant employees in Switzerland? . ARTICLES ANKLI, R. E. , PALLIAM, R. , (2012). Enabling a motivated workforce: exploring the sources of motivation. Development and Learning in Organizations, 26(2), pp. 7 – 10 BASSETT-JONES, N. , LLOYD, G. C. , (2005). Does Herzberg’s motivation theory have staying power?. Journal of Management Development, 24(10), pp. 929 – 943 ESKILDSEN, J. K. , KRISTENSEN, K. , and WESTLUND, A. H. , (2004). Work motivation and job satisfaction in the Nordic countries. Employee Relations, 26(2), pp. 122 – 136 LEE-ROSS, D. , (2005). Perceived job characteristics and internal work motivation: An exploratory cross-cultural analysis of the motivational antecedents of hotel workers in Mauritius and Australia. Journal of Management Development, 24(3), 253 – 266. STAMOV-ROSSNAGEL, C. , and HERTEL, G. , (2010). Older workers’ motivation: against the myth of general decline. Management Decision, 48(6), 894 – 906. WHEELER, A. R. , BUCKLEY, M. R. , (2001). Examining the motivation process of temporary employees: A holistic model and research framework. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 16(5), pp. 339 – 354. OTHER SOURCES HERZBERG, F. , MAUSNER, B. , and SNYDERMAN, B. B. , 1959. Motivation to work. New York: Transaction Publishers. 4. RATIONALE The researcher believes that the topic selected is very significant for the restaurant and hospitality industry today and plays a key role in maximizing profit as motivating the workforce would further help in better service, food quality and even ability to retain customers up to a certain degree. According to Stamov-Rossnagel and Hertel (2010), the motivational factors depends on quite a wide range of possibilities, however one of them include the work environment, peers and the need to compete with the attainments of another worker in the same entity. These workers are motivated when they have the proper equipment desired for performing a specific task and are regularly updated with the latest equipment which would aid them in their tasks at work. When these workers feel that they are being monitored and are cared for by providing the equipment, proper working conditions, they inevitably feel the urge to perform better and are motivated. However, occasionally, the range of tasks in a job may not be as motivating as the particular task that the worker is interested in. Monitoring these tasks which motivate a worker should be specifically assigned to them to improve productivity. Managers should limit and avoid the use of any sort of cultural or ethical background about an employee while trying to judge the work or motivating him (Lee-Ross, 2005). Various western companies observed and practiced the approach of participative leadership and style of work which involved the decisions and views of every worker, which would indirectly rise their esteem and motivate them. Deference and responsibility are two highly important motivators. Individuals also have personal goals and if they are similar to those of the enterprise, then motivation is a very simple process. However, identifying the aims and goals of employees is mandatory to link it in a way to that of the organization and excel in revenues and market productivity. These individuals could bring up several innovative techniques and ideas, especially when they are at the prime of motivation level. Hence, the goals and aims of individuals matter largely in an enterprise for it to accelerate in the market. Temporary employees are a very common trend in today’s era where enormous multinational and private companies employee them specifically for reducing cost and being able to manipulate the schedule of the part time or temporary employees (Wheeler and Buckley, 2001). However, many private companies employee temporary employees and are expecting them to be motivated for the job. The full time workers also lose interest in explaining the part time workers about the work flow and the importance of following a systematic approach to every method and hence, the temporary workers do not feel the urge to perform better and accelerate in their position. The temporary workers are kept apart from the important decisions being taken in the organization and are isolated, especially in MNC’s such as McDonald’s Burger King and other various different fast food restaurants. However, this also implies to certain other casual restaurants which employs interns and other part time workers who as well are not motivated enough to put their efforts into the enterprise. The researcher explored the literature and identified the following few advantages of motivating people: 1. Creates an enthusiastic workforce 2. Enables the opportunity to resolve any confrontation within minutes and boost staff morale 3. Increases revenue of the restaurant . Eliminates the necessity of monitoring staff According to Eskildsen, Kristensen, and Westlund, (2004) women are more satisfied than men regarding job satisfaction, employees with higher level of education need not necessarily be more satisfied, but at time could even result to be the contrary. However, education level does not have an impact on intrinsic factors, whereas managerial positioned workers are more satisfied with their jobs. The Herzberg theory states that the motivational factors are divided into two main parts, the first known as the hygiene factors which are related to salary, working conditions and team work while the latter is related to motivational means (Bassett-Jones and Lloyd, 2005). Motivational means are based solely on 3 major factors, ability to exercise, opportunity to practice and feedback to self. These are explained in the book by Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959) which describe the hygiene factors offered by the employer simply as ‘KITA’ or kick in the ass, which does not motivate one but rather threatens them to work harder in a way. If one possess the ability to perform or has a skill such as communication, service, cooking etc. he/she will be aiming to achieve better goals in life. However, if the person does not have the equipment and other necessary means to practice his skills, he will not be able to perform to the best and would not be motivated. This later includes a feedback, which may not always come from a higher authority but even from self helps. These are the 3 basic necessities for motivation and is related to every industry. 5. AIMS: The aim of this research paper is to analyse the best method(s) for motivating restaurant employees in Switzerland. . OBJECTIVES: To review past and current methods of employee motivation To examine the difference between employee motivation methods in different restaurants in Switzerland To evaluate the most used methods applied by employers and their effectiveness 7. METHODOLOGY The researcher was enthusiastic about collecting primary data and is looking forth to set up a network for communicating between several restaurants in Switzerland regarding the motivational techniques widely used within the restaurant for backing up employees for further work. The research philosophy surfaced as realism as the methods and techniques are applicable in the practical life and need to be reviewed once again for a more clear vision. Deductive approach was the best suited style for this kind of research where the researcher evaluated different concepts and theories set ahead of him by different philosophers and psychologists studying the area of motivation of employees in any type of an industry and a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative analysis were both necessary in such a project. Qualitative analysis hung on the literature and journal articles and will also include the surveys spread throughout certain restaurants in Switzerland, and the researcher would later interview and question the owner of a famous Indian restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland which is known for motivating its employees to a very high degree and enabling them to monitor and manage a restaurant solo. The researcher will distribute a questionnaire amongst 30 different employees of several restaurants in Luzern and in Zurich and also to 3-5 different restaurant managers for feedback regarding the motivational methods and techniques abundant in the vicinity. The sampling technique is non-probability, purposive method and focuses on only a niche of the population. Calculating the results from both the employer and employee would enlarge the scope of research and present forward a more ransparent knowledge of motivational means applied. The Fredrick Herzberg theory of motivational and hygienic factors are quite relevant to this focus topic and go hand in hand with the ideas of the researcher. The practical world believes in money being a very heavy motivator and as well as job security, working conditions and benefits. The researcher claims it to be false and would like to prove it on paper. 8. DRAFT QUESTIONS My name is Ankit Sharma and I am a student of Business and Hotel Management School in Luzern, Switzerland. This research survey will give me concrete evidence towards my project, ‘What are the most successful methods to motivate restaurant employees in Switzerland’ and aid me in my Research and Methodology class. The questions will be regarding the factors that will motivate the employees in a restaurant oriented job and the answers will be kept anonymous and confidential and used only for research purposes. Questionnaire 1 What are the factors that motivate you to work? Name: Age: Sex: Nationality: American African European Asian Other 1) From a scale of 1 to 4, 1 being very satisfied, how satisfied are you with your job? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 2) What is the first feature you look at when accepting a job? a. Pay b. Work hours c. Type of job d. Location 3) Your average daily work hours ranges from: a. 6-7 b. 7-8 c. 8-10 d. 10+ 4) Which of the following factors motivate you? a. Money b. Special benefits c. New challenges daily d. Job security 5) What is your average monthly income? a. How to cite Motivational Techniques, Papers
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