Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Conflict Between Individual And State And free essay sample
The Grammatical Fiction In Darkness At Noon Essay, Research Paper The Conflict Between the Individual and the State and the Grammatical Fiction in Darkness At Noon # 8220 ; The Party denied the free will of an individual-and at the same clip exacted his willing self-sacrifice. # 8221 ; The obvious contradiction of the above definition of the Communist party is depicts the struggle between the person and the State in Arthur Koestler? s novel Darkness at Noon. Koestler? s supporter Nicolas Salamanovich Rubashov, devout Communist and former leader of the Communist party, falls victim to his ain system during the clip of the Moscow tests. Accused and imprisoned for offenses he did non perpetrate, Rubashov is forced to take between the political orientation he has dependably followed for the past 40 old ages of his life, or a new found sense of ego, which he calls the # 8220 ; grammatical fiction # 8221 ; . During the beginning of Rubashov? s lone captivity, he begins to doubt the infallibility of the Communist government, and for a clip, positions himself independent from the Party. We will write a custom essay sample on The Conflict Between Individual And State And or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rubashov? s drawing off from Communism is apparent in his conversation with the analyzing magistrate, Ivanov, during his first hearing. Rubashov addresses Ivanov? s collective point of view with the developing positions of his ain: # 8220 ; Your statement is slightly anachronic, # 8221 ; said Rubashov. # 8220 ; As you quite justly remarked, we were accustomed ever to utilize the plural? we? and to avoid every bit far as possible the first individual singular. I have instead lost the wont of this signifier of address ; you stick to it. But who is this? we? in whose name you speak to-day? It needs re-defining. That is the point. # 8221 ; Apart from the Party, Rubashov no longer maps as portion of the Communist unit, but instead as an person. Within communist philosophy the person is merely a piece of a larger system, and for the true Communist the pronoun? I? is non even portion of his or her vocabulary. Rather, the personal? I? is replaced by? we? , which represents the Party. The significance of Rubashov? s statement is that even his address forms, a physical manifestation of one? s subconscious, expose his self-detachment from the Communist Party in that he has lost his ability to tie in with the Communist We. Over and over Rubashov is tormented by the thought # 8220 ; I shall pay # 8221 ; , an unrest due to his uncertainness about the foundation of Communism he has placed himself on. Shortly after his first hearing he writes in his diary # 8220 ; The fact is: I no longer believe in my infallibility. That is why I am lost. # 8221 ; It is apparent that he is get downing to take personal duty for the actions he has committed on behalf of the Party, the people that he has betrayed and the apparently absurd philosophies he has readily submitted to. Both Rubashov? s mental anxiousness, and his discernible, critical actions are owed to his new found acknowledgment of himself as an single, a loophole in Communist philosophy. All his life Rubashov had # 8220 ; burnt the remains of the old unlogical morality from his consciousness # 8221 ; , and was incognizant that thoughts outside of those expressed by the Party had any logical footing. He one time thought that any other position was irrational and false. In his cell waiting to be taken to his executing, Rubashov reflects on his former devotedness to the Party: For in a battle 1 must hold both legs steadfastly planted on the Earth. The Party had taught one how to make it. The space was a politically fishy measure, and the # 8220 ; I # 8221 ; a fishy quality. The Party did non acknowledge its being. The definition of an person was a battalion of one million divided by one million. As a Communist he had sacrificed his individualism for the benefit of the Party, and forty old ages subsequently he had lost the capableness to even believe outside the lines of the Party? s tenet. He had denied the single within himself, which is why he is confused at the outgrowth of his # 8220 ; soundless spouse # 8221 ; , the latitudinarian person within himself. His witting ego had been founded in the? we? , until he was imprisoned. Confronting decease, Rubashov realizes the destructiveness of a political system that doesn? T history for the person. No longer confused by his apathy for the Party, Rubashov? s concluding hours are marked by a fatalistic mentality and an internal sense of peace. In Rubashov? s conversation with Ivanov during Rubashov? s 2nd hearing, Ivanov states: # 8220 ; The greatest temptaion for the like of us is: to abdicate force, to atone, to do peace with oneself # 8221 ; . Ivanov represents rubashov? s former point of view. However, no longer capable to the inhibitory Communist order, Rubashov does happen rapprochement with himself: He was a adult male who had lost his shadow, released from every bond. He followed every idea to its last decision and acted in conformity with it to the really terminal. The hours which remained to him belonged to the soundless spouse, whose kingdom started merely where logical idea ended. He had christened it the? grammatical fiction? with that sheepishness about the first individual singular which the Party had inculcated in its adherents. At this point Rubashov rests. The inner convulsion he had from being torn between two avenues of idea had ceased. He has realized the futility of the Party? s actions, and in his ain manner repented of those actions by disassociating himself from the Party. Although the Party had basically banished Rubashov foremost, Rubashov? s struggle had resulted from his mental trueness for the System to which he fell victim. Having lost his religion in Communism, Rubashov devotes the staying portion of his life to the # 8220 ; grammatical fiction # 8221 ; , and finds contentment. Rubashov is no longer afraid of decease because decease is at hand, and non even the most logical idea or powerful dictator can change the natural jurisprudence of decease. After digesting emotional and mental torture, he realizes he has # 8220 ; earned the right to kip # 8221 ; and decease peacefully. Rubashov? s experiences in prison altered his position of the Communist system and upturned the religion he had for it. The thought that a philosophy in which the person is non accounted for becomes an absurdness. The visual aspect of the grammatical fiction in Rubashov? s instance, is representative of the larger struggle between the person and the State. Rubashov? s experience is a microcosm of the people who suppressed their ain single idea and ground for that of the Party and Stalinist absolutism. The thought expressed by Koestler in Darkness at Noon is that the Communist system? s ultimate failure lies within its thought that the person is a # 8220 ; sacrificial lamb # 8221 ; for the Party. Alternatively, it is the person that is the indispensable factor in doing a society. An single can last without a authorities, but a authorities can non last without the support of the person, and it is for this ground that no signifier of Communism has of all time reached the Utopian extremum in which Marx and Engles expressed in The Manifesto of the Communist Party. 3ba
Monday, November 25, 2019
Theme of the Yellow Wallpaper Essays
Theme of the Yellow Wallpaper Essays Theme of the Yellow Wallpaper Essay Theme of the Yellow Wallpaper Essay 2000. Blooms Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. April 5, 2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Early childhood - Philosophy and newsletter Assignment
Early childhood - Philosophy and newsletter - Assignment Example (Ornstein, 1998) Early Childhood Education . . . . 1. Should be about making discoveries 2. Should show experience is important in learning 3. Experiences that builds upon other skills learned 4. Should teach about the community 5. Should show how we fit into that community 6. Should be challenging 7. Should be engaging 8. Should show that making relationships is important 9. Is a time that we learn about and work towards explanations and reasons and find solutions 10. Will teach how to make decisions 11. Will give children a chance to make choices â€Å"According to Shileod and Bergson Early childhood education is to try and create an ideal adult by making reasoned choices and decisions to reach our goals and society’s goals. We will learn to see things in different ways, and to make connections that we need to learn. We will also not criticize or learn to criticize to speak our minds. We will learn and be able to observe, question, challenge, invent, speculate and explore.à ¢â‚¬ (Cromwell, 2000) Activities for Learning Early Childhood Education must also develop positive self-esteem, show how to be nurturing and to use our natural resources to improve our survival in the community and the world and to be able to solve their own problems and children and adults will continue to always keep learning. Early childhood education should also show that learning never stops it just keeps happening. This field of education has children learn by Specific Skills or in increment. Children learn by training, practice and motivation. They will learn that failures are still learning and through failing we learn how to make our lives and relationships better. Early childhood education is a beginning and teaches that we want balance to what we can do and what we want to do. In my philosophy I want my teaching to be based on Discovery learning and Mastery learning. (Ornstein, 1998) Play is also important in the early childhood education. In a child care center for two to five year olds the teacher will have learning centers for the various content areas. In our center we will be using Science, Social Studies units along with Language activities to teach our children about the community around them. The activities will involve growing plants from seeds, then trying to figure out how these plants can help the community and the world around them. Play is another way that the children will learn in this child care center. The children will learn through play activities that are age appropriate that will teach them about cooperation and how to self-initiate ideas of their own. Play can be used in the content areas and the children can learn the necessary skill of learning how to question what is going on around them. Through play children will become aware and be sensitive to the happenings around them and make friends with the children of other cultures. Early childhood education also allows the children to make many choices and this will help them t o improve their thinking skills and also to improve their persuasive skills. The children will also learn and use decision-making skills. This early childhood center will always be aware of the safety needs of the children for healthy living. The center will also be flexible and creative in our ways of teaching academics and social interactions.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Economics GCCs Dollar Peg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics GCCs Dollar Peg - Essay Example This trend is considered a major contributor to the rising levels of inflation in the gulf region. The current levels of inflation are stated to be the highest in the last 30 years (Seville, 2008). At the same time the GDP growth started declining during the same period. Zawya (2008) wrote about some of the research studies carried out in 2008 which predicted that the gulf nations would be able to register a lower nominal GDP rise of about 16.4 percent till 2010, provided the crude prices average around $120 per barrel in 2008, $131 in 2009 and $133 in 2010. But, with crude oil prices tumbling down to $50 per barrel in the international market, the situation is starkly different today. Such developments resulted into a serious debate on how the gulf nations should take appropriate measures to handle the situation. In the run up to the discussion towards taking mutually agreed steps for handling the monetary crisis in the gulf region, the GCC started discussing measures like adopting a common currency within the region. 2010 was being talked about as the deadline for coming out for a currency union (Ghafour, 2005). But these plans received a jolt when Kuwait unilaterally decided that it needs to move away from dollar peg. This step was taken by Kuwait central bank in order to contain the rising inflation.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to Present Term Paper - 2
Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to Present - Term Paper Example Also, Romans relied on various provinces they had acquired after wars for agriculture yet most of their focus was on Italy which was quite suitable for a wide variety of crops (Jhonston 55-56). Also, many Romans during the era were fond of purchasing Italian crops. Furthermore, land ownership was the means to constitute a part of the aristocracy in Rome; the more land a person acquired to higher his esteem in society and politics was. Even the brave soldiers were allocated land as rewards for their services. Land was also the sole factor behind slave labor since men were enslaved to work of these fields. Thus, agriculture was the dominant factor behind every aspect of Roman life and the paper aims at exploring how the Romans farmed to understand their values more. In order to understand how the Romans farmed, it is significant to study the phases in which these Romans evolved. Back in the 5th Century, there were small pieces of land owned by families in Rome. However, by that time the technique of crop rotation had become popular and Romans were indulged in estates to further enhance their wealth. Furthermore, the interactions amongst Romans and other advanced nations like Greece had improved already which also contributed towards perfecting the agricultural techniques to reap better crops. During the early empire era, the agricultural practices in Rome were at its peak and there was immense efficiency in the crops yield. Studies indicate that farms in Rome can be classified in three different forms. Smalls farms constituted an area of 18-108 iugera while medium range farms were around 80 to 500 iugera in size. However, large estates constituted an area as large as 500 iugera (Jhonston 33-34). Thus, those peasants who owned small sized farms didn’t have the technology or the resources to earn a living via their lands. The wealthy land owners saw it as an opportunity and bought lands from the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Transformational corporate leaders
Transformational corporate leaders Introduction Leadership is a practice that has been around for very many years though there has been no single definition to completely describe it. This could be due to its continuously evolving nature and variations depending on context. Leadership is generally a complicated concept that can be applied in many areas while the results that it creates are highly dependent on the context in which its being applied. The term ‘transformational leaders was first formed by J.V. Downton in 1973. During his study of political leadership, James Macgregor introduced for the first time the concept of transformational leadership. According to Macgregor, transformational leadership is a not just a set of specific behaviours but a continuous process through which leaders and followers uplift one another to high states of motivation and morality (The transformational leadership report 2007). Transformational leaders provide a purpose that goes beyond the short term goals looks at the higher order intrinsic objectives. These leaders will always raise the bar by engaging to higher ideals and values of their subordinates. This way, the leaders are able to model the values themselves as well as use appealing methods to lure people to the values and to the leaders themselves. Transformational leadership requires high level of self actualization and self esteem in order to be an authetic and transformational leader. Essentially the work of a transformational leader is to induce people to be conscious of their feelings, to feel their true needs strongly and to meaningfully define their values so that they can be moved to a determined action (Chance Chance 2002 p.79) Macgregor was among the first scholars to insist that true transformational leadership does not just create change and attain goals within an organization but also changes the individuals involved and makes both the leaders and followers to be ennobled. According to () transformational leadership is also defined in terms of how the leader impacts his subordinates who are in turn supposed to respect, admire and trust the transformational leader. Transformational leadership has evolved from elements of preceding types for instance behavior and trait theories, situational, charismatic and transactional leadership. Transformational leaders are actually natural leaders. They automatically take charge of group of workers with great confidence and authority and they motivate their followers to do things with ease. Such leaders who are admired and envied for their natural qualities in leadership skills are actually born with leadership qualities in them. Astrologists argue that qualities of leadership are given at birth. For instance they believe that individuals born under the Aries zodiac sign are usually natural leaders and will always find themselves in leadership positions as adults. According to ( ), its not doubtable that certain people are born with natural characteristics and traits that make it easier for them to inspire and have power over others. Some people are born with natural confidence which is an advantageous characteristic for leaders. Such people are therefore more attractive for their determination and drive which creates an impetus that other people find easy to follow. Those people with proper communication skills and empathy which are generally admired by people, and the ability to relate well with people even in stressful situations, attract a sense of respect and liking from other people. This paper evaluates the characteristics of transformational leaders and how they are made. The paper tries to illustrate that transformational corporate leaders are actually born and not made. Theories and models of transformational leadership According to Gosling, Marturano Dennison (2003), transformational leadership is procedure in which organizational leaders take actions to enhance the awareness of their associates on what is right and crucial (p.16). These leaders raise the motivational maturity of their followers which makes them to go beyond their own individual interests for the betterment of their group as well as the whole organization. Transformational leaders provide their followers with a feeling of purpose that exceeds a simple receiving of rewards for their efforts. Transformational leaders are unique leaders whose leadership qualities are believed to be natural. These leaders not only optimize the general performance of their associates but also the development of an organization. Organizational or business development involves the maturation of values, ability, attitudes and motivation (Gosling, Marturano Dennison 2003 p.16). Transformational leaders are aimed at developing the maturity level of their f ollowers needs from the basic security needs to the needs of self development. Theories A number of recent theories on leadership have tried to describe leadership effectiveness according to how leaders transform or change an organization (Chance Chance 2002 p.94). One of the theories in leadership is the transformational leadership theory also known as the leadership theory. This theory states that leadership is interlinked or can not be separated from the needs and goals of the followers, and that its as a result of interaction between the followers and the leaders. According to Chance Chance (2002), there are two important forms of leader follower interaction which are transformational and transactional (p.94). In transactional relationship the leader influences the follower through an exchange of something valued by both of them. Transformational theory assumes that the main focus of leadership should be the capacities and commitments of organizational individuals. Their should also be higher level of individual dedication to organisational objectives and greater capacities for fulfilling these objectives. According to Bush T. (2003), transformational leaders succeed by acquiring the followers commitment to such degree that the higher levels of accomplishment become a moral imperative (p.77). The transformational model is for instance broad in that it gives normative approach to school leadership which aims basically on the process by which leaders endeavour to manipulate the school outcome and not the nature of those outcomes (Bush T. 2003 p.77). Transformational leadership has the capability of becoming autocratic because of its well-built heroic and charismatic features. According to Chance Chance (2002), transformational leadership stimulates others to look at their work from new dimensions while creating the awareness of the mission and vision of the organization (p.95). Transformational leaders stimulate others to be creative and innovative. This creativity and innovation is promoted through looking for new ideas from others. These leaders attend the needs of their followers and help them in growth and development by acting as their mentors. The underlying principle of these leaders is their commitment to personal values and moral purpose which are important in bri nging about organizational change. Models in leadership Models on leadership assist us to understand what makes leaders to operate the way they do. The different types of behaviours discussed in models help us to understand that every situation calls for a specific approach. One of the models is the four framework approach where leaders illustrate behaviours in leadership in one of the four types of frame works. These frame works are the structural, political, human resource or symbolic. The leadership style can either be effective or not depending on the behavior chosen in certain situations. In a working leadership situation the leader is usually a social architect whose style of leadership is analysis and design. On the other hand leaders in failing leadership are just tyrants whose styles of leadership consist of mere details. Structural leaders put more emphasis on strategy, structure, environment, experimentation, implementation and adaptation. In the human resource framework, the leader in the effective leadership conditions is a catalyst and servant whose style of leadership is support, empowerment and advocation, while in a non working leadership the boss is a pushover whose style of leadership is fraud and abdication. Human resource leaders hold believe in people and they communicate that believe. They are accessible and encourage increased participation and sharing of information. These leaders involve everybody in the organization when it comes to decision making. For a political framework the leader in effective leadership circumstances is an advocate whose style of leadership is a coalition and building while in the ineffective condition the leader is a hustler whose style of leadership is manipulation. Political leaders indicate clearly what they can get and build relationship with other stake holders. They first apply persuasion then coercion and negotiation only if necessary. In symbolic framework, the leader in working leadership is a prophet whose style of leadership is inspiration while the leader in a non performing situation a fool whose style of leadership is smoke and mirrors. The other model in used in leadership is the managerial grid. This model uses two axes whereby ‘concern for people is plotted using the vertical axis while the ‘concern for task is plotted on the horizontal axis. The managerial behaviour is then described using the two dimensions that are drawn as a graph. Both axiss are plotted on a range of 0 to 9 and the leaders are then grouped depending on what they score on both sides. Those who score 9 points on the task side and 1 on the people side are authoritarian, those who score 9 on both sides are team leaders, those who score 1 on both sides are impoverished while those who score 1 on task and 9 on people are country club leaders. Authoritarian leader are more task oriented and are tough on their employees. These leaders are very tough on schedules and expect the workers to do everything without question. Team leaders lead by good examples and are concerned in promoting a team environment. They encourage their followers to attain their goals effectively and to strengthen the bonds between employees. On the other hand the country club leaders mainly use the power of reward and recognition in maintaining discipline among their employees while the impoverished leader uses delegation of duties as a management style (Chance Chance 2002). These leaders are neither concerned with maintenance or task accomplishment. References Bass B. M. Riggio R. E. (2006) Transformational leadership London: Routledge. Hacker, S, Roberts, T (2003) Transformational leadership: creating organizations of meaning American Society for Quality. Avolio B. J Bass B. M. 2002 Developing potential across a full range of leadership: cases on transactional and transformational leadership Routledge: New York. Gosling, R .B, Marturano, A Dennison, P. (2003) A review of the leadership theory and competency frameworks. Centre for leadership studies: Dunsford Hill. Schwartz M. K. , Gimbel K. G. 2000 Leadership resources: a guide to training and development tools Center for Creative Leadership. Chance, P. L. Chance, E. W (2002) Introduction to educational leadership organizational behavior: theory into practice Eye on Education. Bush T. 2003 Theories of educational leadership and management SAGE. The transformational leadership report (2007) (
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Comparison Of Karl Marx And Matthew Arnold :: essays research papers
Comparison of Karl Marx and Matthew Arnold Through their writing, Karl Marx and Matthew Arnold show their opposing views on the importance of internal and external functions of culture. In the first chapter of Culture and Anarchy, "Sweetness and Light", Arnold describes culture as being responsible for the progress of politics and society and as "the best knowledge and thought of the time" (19). Matthew Arnold's culture is based on two main aspects, religion and education. Karl Marx, however, strongly contrasts Arnold's ideas. Marx views culture as being derived from the advancement of the sciences. Matthew Arnold's definition of culture comes from "a mid-nineteenth- century Germanic notion of culture which is founded upon his study of Goethe and Schiller" (19). He believed many other cultures are based on the thought of curiosity and on scientific expansion. Arnold believed culture was based on the expansion of the individual's mind; only through education can a perfect culture be reached. In his writings, Arnold stated that for a man to be cultured he has to be versed in both religion and classic literature. Although Arnold's culture sought the advancement of the human mind; he did not want people to get wrapped up in technology. "Faith in machinery is, I said, our besetting danger; often in machinery most absurdly disproportioned to the end which this machinery" (23). Arnold believes his culture is "more interesting and more far-reaching than that other, which is founded solely on the scientific passion for knowing" (21). Arnold believed that culture dealt with perfection; as he stated in "Sweetness and Light", "Culture is then properly describe not as having its origin in curiosity, but as having its origin in the love of perfection; it is a study of perfection" (21). Arnold also says that culture is the endeavor to make the moral and social characteristics of individuals prevail. Because culture is a study of perfection, then it is also an "inward condition of the mind and spirit, not in an outward set of circumstances" (Arnold 23). Arnold states that, "In thus making sweetness and light to be characters of perfection, culture is of like spirit with poetry†¦" (25). Matthew Arnold felt that religion was an important aspect of culture. Arnold felt that when the reason of God prevailed all society will be cultured. As Arnold states, "Now, then, is the moment for culture to be of service, culture which believes in making reason and the will of God prevail, believes in perfection, is the study of perfection,†¦" (21). Marx states that the ruling class of culture would be the intellectual and material force, he makes no
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